trusting higher guidance.

Have you ever had those moments when you make a decision despite what your parents told you because you think you know best just to find out that your parents were annoyingly right after all? I don’t know about you, but I had many of those in my life. I disobeyed their advice thinking my way was the best way and lived to regret it. I find that our relationship to the Universe -God, depending on your belief, is much like the one we have with our parents when we were young.  We don’t always want to hear it and much less follow it.  Going through this journey called life is also much like driving through a road that often has its shares of detours and unexpected turns.

Just like a GPS system, the Universe guides us through the twists and turns of our lives. It knows the best route, even when we think we know better. I’d like to share a recent personal story that illustrates the profound impact of trusting this higher guidance.

A Lesson on the Road

It was a typical afternoon, and I was heading home with my daughter after a long four-hour drive and exhausting day. The sky was painted with the warm hues of sunset, and all I could think about was the comfort of my bed. As we drove down the highway, the familiar voice of the GPS gave its usual directions. Yet, this time, it suggested something different: taking the collector lanes.

Now, I’ve always associated the collector lanes with slower traffic. In the past, the GPS had always guided me towards the express lanes, which were faster and more direct. Naturally, my instinct urged me to ignore the GPS and stick to the express lanes, which seemed to be moving more swiftly. But as I was about to override the GPS, a gentle voice inside me whispered, “Waleuska, just listen and follow.” It felt as though the Universe was nudging me to trust in its guidance, even if it contradicted my immediate perception of what was best.

The Unexpected Revelation

Reluctantly, I followed the GPS’s advice and took the collector lanes. At first, the road seemed to be moving at a snail’s pace, and I couldn’t help but feel frustrated. The express lanes, which I had wanted to take, were zooming along smoothly. My impatience grew as I voiced out loud my mistake in not following my first intuition. I tend to be hard on myself and the prospects of my nice comfy bed seem now in the distant future. 

However, just five minutes into this seemingly sluggish route, something remarkable happened. The collector lanes began to open up, transforming into a clear path. In stark contrast, the express lanes had turned into a parking lot, with cars backed up for miles and traffic at a complete standstill.

In that moment, the decision to trust the GPS—and by extension, to trust the Universe’s guidance—felt like a brilliant stroke of insight. The frustration and impatience I had felt earlier melted away, replaced by a deep sense of relief and gratitude. I had been guided perfectly, and what initially seemed like a slower route turned out to be the best one after all.

A Broader Perspective on Guidance

This experience taught me a valuable lesson about the journey of life. Just as the GPS provides guidance based on a broader view of traffic and road conditions, the Universe—or God—offers us guidance that may not always align with our immediate perceptions or desires. We might believe we know the fastest route, or the best decision based on our past experiences. Yet, the Universe sees the bigger picture that we cannot see, understanding not just the visible road ahead but also the unseen obstacles and opportunities. Yet just like I was complaining and lamenting why I had listened is how often we react to the guidance of the Universe. Because we don’t understand or see what is ahead of us, we tend to disobey and ungratefully follow the path that ends up being more painful for us.  

When we choose to listen and trust in this divine guidance, even if it seems counterintuitive, we align ourselves with a journey that is not only smoother but also more in harmony with our true purpose. Much like a GPS, the Universe has an overview of our path and knows how to navigate through life’s complexities.

Embracing Trust and Faith

There will be times when our faith wavers and we second-guess the direction we’re being guided towards. However, it is in these moments that trust becomes paramount. My experience on that road was a reminder that every time we choose to follow the guidance we receive, we are aligning ourselves with a greater plan—one that is often more favourable than what we could have envisioned on our own.

Next time you find yourself at a crossroads or facing an unexpected turn in life, take a moment to listen. Trust the whispers of the Universe or God’s guidance and remember that even if the journey seems slower at times, an open and clear path is always ahead, leading you towards a destination meant for you. My wish for you is that you always find the courage to listen to the guidance provided by the Universe and embrace your journey with faith and trust. Safe travels on your road, wherever it may lead. Remember, sometimes the slower route is the one that guides you safely to where you need to be.

With Gratitude, Waleuska Lazo