I took my daughter to one of her favorite restaurants for dinner. When we sat at our table, she leaned towards me and whispered in my ear, “Mommy there is an older lady in the back all alone, and my heart breaks to see this. I have seen her in the past, and she is always alone.”
I asked her, “What would you like to do?”
She said, “I think it would be good to have her join our family at the table, this way she will not be alone.”
She got up from her seat and proceeded cautiously to ask the lonely lady to join us. When she got close enough, she asked in the sweetest of voice,
“Hi, I noticed that you are all alone, would you like to join our family at the table?”
The lady’s face lit up. It was as if her soul was suddenly imbued with life. The lady’s face who was pale and tired all of the sudden had new vigor in it. The lady’s smile lit up the room. She looked at my daughter and said,
“Thank you dear, but I am going to stay here just a little longer.”
My baby left the lady’s side back to our table. I could see my baby girl was emotional. I told her that what she did was the most amazing gesture of kindness and that she should be proud of her amazing heart and to never change. Every so often the older lady would look up towards our table, and smiling, her eyes focused on my daughter. We could all see the lady’s happiness because someone cared enough to not only noticed her but made her feel she matter to someone. At the end isn’t this what each of us want? To know, we matter to someone?
I looked at my daughter with the deepest of admiration for such an unsolicited selfless act of kindness. I too was there and yet, I never noticed another human being alone in the way my daughter did. Whether the lady did or did not end up coming to join us, it’s not the point. My daughter felt good about herself, and she made someone else feel less forgotten and more special. One simple act of kindness can change someone’s day, life and world.
In that simple, selfless act, my daughter teaches all of us a lesson. We can choose to be the light our planet needs. We can choose to be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people. If my ten-year-old intuitively knew this, then there is hope for humanity. The true nature of human beings is not to compete, fight, kill or destroy, but rather to care, love, protect and cooperate.
We all have the opportunity to express love, to show goodness, mercy compassion, understanding, peace, joy, forgiveness, patience, strength, and courage. Each of us can be a helper in time of need, a comforter in time of sorrow, a healer in time of injury, a teacher in a time of confusion and an inspiration in a time of despair.
We have the power to show the world the worse of humankind or the greatest of human nature. The choice is yours alone!
The beautiful thing about this game called life is that we are all linked. We are one single energy and as such one can’t help another human being without helping himself.
Let’s be the change we want to see in the world.
With gratitude,
That was beautiful Waleuska, and so so true. What a precious and insightful daughter you have who has learned so much from you about caring and loving, and sharing.
It is I who learns all from HER!
Great piece!! Nicely done and great timing with the New Year around the corner
Dear Waleuska
THANK YOU!!!! You have two amazing children whom I’ve been inspired by. I will certainly be spending time at your site when I’m home this evening.
I love this story
It is written beautifully
Thank you
Beautiful story! You should be so proud of Emma!
Wow! Thank you for this beautiful powerful post and the amazingness of your daughter. I am taking this with me “We can choose to be the light our planet needs.”! Thank you!
Wow… I am at a loss for words. Amazing, and it resonates to the core. <3
Very beautiful and healing story. Thank you for sharing. We can all learn lessons from children.
Beautiful, wonderful and lovely act of kindness. Your daughter holds a beautiful heart full of kindness, compassion and love!!
What a beautiful soul you are raising!! You should be so incredibly proud, you’ve done a wonderful job and she is a little angel. This warms my heart, thank you for sharing!
What a lovely story! Thank you for sharing with us. Seems your daughter has a good heart, and good upbringing
Hoy, que me siento cansada, me tome el tiempo en mi día de trabajo, para leer este tema, el cual, definitivamente a aportado a mis conocimientos que no hay cosa mas hermosa que hacer algo por los demás, y lo mas importante de todo es que la inocencia de un niño puede demostrarnos que hay valentía en ofrecer un gesto de amabilidad por un desconocido del cual nosotros los adultos carecemos o simplemente, dejamos pasar de largo, en mi vida he aprendido que ser amable y dar siempre sin pensar en recibir es una gran bendición. Te felicito prima, por los bellos valores y principios que vienes cultivando en tus hijas, sus acciones son el reflejo del amor que tu les das… Me gusto mucho este post.
Gracias prima
Love this. Love Emma. So special
Your daughter is a beautiful soul. Thank you for sharing your
She is a beautiful, kind loving old soul. That is a gift!💕💕💕
I love this so much! What a lovely young lady. Kindness, simple kindness and compassion for others. Love to you and your daughter.
Absolutely agree. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Waleuska, YOU, have done a wonderful job in raising a compassionate daughter.
May God Bless her always to embrace that loving kindness, allowing God to use her to serve his will🙏🏼
Absolutely one beautiful daughter and story and you expressed ALL we need to remember whom we really are and how to be with one another on this planet. Your daughter is one of our teachers.
Beautiful post ! You must be so proud of your daughter. It gives new hope for the world. We often have such negative things to say about the younger generation but they are showing us a better way with their acceptance of others in ways we never did. Acceptance of race, color, religion, sexual preference.
I believe that you have said everything there is to say. Wow!! Waleuska Lazo, your daughter does sound like an angel without wings. You have done well Mumma.
Ps its hard to write with tears in my eyes. ❤
Your daughter is a beautiful, kind, loving old soul. That is a gift
Thank you for taking the time to share your beautiful story with us all. I am uplifted and deeply touched of the caring of your sweet daughter.
Beautiful made my heart sing. Thank you
That is so beautiful. That’s one of the greatest things I can wish as a mother to see in my kids. You are so blessed. I hope she never changes.
So beautiful. Please let your daughter know you shared her story with us and we all think she is an amazing person and to never change that kindness she has in her heart. Give her a big hug from all of us.
So beautiful. Everything about this is beautiful and w all want to know we are loved.
I came home today all over the shop, knee deep in EMDR therapy and inner child work or “children” in my case. I came across your site and this is a beautiful story and so healing for me today. Little connections are everything. They are gifts for both the giver and receiver. Thankyou for making a connection with me today. Children are remarkable in showing us the way.