Chatting on the phone this morning with a friend, we talked about our pasts. We both agreed it would be amazing to travel back in time to change parts we now regret. I told her, “Yes, there is a period I wish I could just delete as we do on our computers. I would love to go back to a precise day, to that precise moment, and instead of stopping, to keep on walking to not have met the person responsible for my regret.
What about you? If you had that chance to just go back once and make a change, would you…
- Go back and make it right? make repairs, make amends, make peace?
- Say what you meant to say?
- Stay the course you insisted on changing?
- Endure the storm?
- Love more, forgive more, enjoy more, appreciate more?
- Make different decisions, make better choices?
- Walk away sooner from harmful people and situations?
- Meet someone again for the first time and make it right?
- Take the chances you didn’t take?
Sounds very tempting, would you agree? As we chatted some more, we made our fantasy even more interesting…
If someone said, “Ok, you can go back and erase a part of your past, but there’s one caveat: — erasing that part of your past, will also set in motion the deletion of everything you have and have lived, from that point forward. So, think about it, from that moment in time that you wish to erase, you get to start a whole new life and the one you currently have would be altered.
Would you still do it? Why or why not?
My realization was simple. As much as I would love to erase that dark part of my past, I could not conceive a life without the person that I now have nor could I conceive not being the person I am today. None of which would have been possible without that regretful part of my existence.
This little exercise and realization immediately shifted my mindset from regret to gratitude, gratitude for the dark storm that led to this wonderful rainbow of light I now enjoy.
When we find the purpose in our painful moments, we realize that, in truth, there are no regrets in our life. Those perceived regrets have been the diamonds that illuminated the path we now proudly stand on.
Well said. I agree, all those good and bad decisions and incidents have put us on the journey where we are today. “you are exactly where you must be”. All part of the journey we call life.
Sure!seems good. Depending how bad our past was of course, changing the past could enable an even darker future,we need to keep moving forward,that is our destiny.
Almost. Except I’d say no other is responsible for my regret. 🙏🏻🙂.
My husband and I came to the realization a while ago now, that if we had made different choices, we wouldn’t have taken the paths we have taken. We’ve lost a whole lot, but we’ve also had the opportunity to experience so much more because of those decisions. So, you either choose to stay where you are and stagnate, or take a chance and get to experience different things. You can only see if it was the ‘right’ choice in hindsight. But if even if it wasn’t in retrospect the ‘right’ choice, would you go back to where you were and leave behind all this uncharted water…?
No. How can you? On the one hand, you can look back with regret to all of your ‘mistakes’ or you can look back and be grateful for having had the opportunity to grow and learn and experience. There’s no turning back, you have to continue on your life path…
Mmmmmm a very interesting one ….. I definitely would not go back and erase – I’m very conscious that my past formulated my future and situations, people and events have shaped me into the person I am today – the person who is now ready to embark on the next chapter of her life. I have no regrets, I can’t say I’ve loved some of it, but it’s taught me what I don’t want and how to embrace certain situations and how to not take things for granted
I’m happy – truly happy with where I’m at, right this moment 💚💚💚💚💚
Thanks to my journey in FMTG, I changed my desire to reset and am choosing to embrace with Gratitude.Wouldnt it have been wonderful to have known this 35 years ago I once thought ?!.. Shifted into high gears gears of Gratitude , faster than ever, and I say, nah.. Am grateful it happened , it made me who I Am, and am not willing to delete some wonderful people and experiences associated with a pain of the past. Time is on my side. Hallelujah.
It sounds like a cool idea till you delve a bit closer. Non of us would be where we are today if we changed the past. I have no regrets. I am happy to have grown into the person I am today through my life experiences – the good, the bad and the ugly. Great topic for discussion! Happiness is the way forward with no regrets definitely!!❤️❤️❤️
This is very interesting. No, I don’t regret anything. This is it, me in my journey, with my ups and downs, always learning. Thank you.
Thinking bit by bit exactly as your conversation shared here, it actually dawned upon me, that indeed without those not so loved odd pieces of my life, this puzzle solving wouldn’t have had it’s oh so high-adrenaline rush, the emotions that stamped the fact often that my heart was working fine, and the feeling of contentment that yes i have experienced that all. The journey wouldn’t have been that interesting and I would have had lesser original thrillers to share with my girls and fewer chances to parallely feel proud deep inside to have stood by my own side throughout and come out of it all more stable, more beautiful, more awakened. Even though it’s tempting fantasy, i don’t think i would change anything….from the past. It is that old grumbling teacher who has her beautiful side too..
Lovely mind churning exercise!
Thanks ! Love !
This is so beautiful, invigorating and thought provoking. Love this thanks for putting it here. Am gonna save it as a reference material for the subject called LIFE
I have always said this. Regrets are lessons, not opportunities to ‘go back and change the outcome’. You are right where you should be on your path, and every single interaction you have had up to this very moment has brought you here. Any changes to that, and there is no telling where you would be now.
Great perspective 🙏🏼💕
Thanks fr the refreshment
Peace and love and light and happiness always blessed be Namaste 🙏
Wonderful positive and the words shine with Spiritual Strength…thank you..much love…I just gave regrets a new function. I chose to see them as hope in growth and not a death sentence..💛💚💚💛
No regrets I ♥️ where I am now and where I am going.
Looking at all I’ve learned in lessons I’ve had to deal with, if could erase 1 evening I never would have had a drug problem. But I’m thankful for all I’ve learned getting rid of the problem.
That would have been done by many if it was safe ..
I have thought about this very subject a lot, crazy that you posted in here about it. I too have things that I would like to change, people I would love to have avoided but in doing so I would not be the person I am today nor could I appreciate my husband and the man he is. We are a great pair and I would hate to have missed out on him. We both have faced and gone thru some very trying times in our lives and we are the better person for each other because of it.