The law of expectation says that 85 % of whatever we expect with confidence and faith, we get. There is a direct correlation between our expectations and the quality of life we have. Yet, most people don’t understand their own power and they blame their fate on life, not realizing they are the ones who are co-creating and attracting the life they have. You’re never going to get more than what you expect out of life.
Join me on this powerful podcast as I discuss the importance of expecting big! It is a universal law that we don’t get what we want, but what we believe we are worthy of receiving.
Thank you for this gem of information I had problems hearing the last half. Podcast commercials kept popping up… And it would take me back to the beginning . How can I hear the entire podcast ? It’s very encouraging and a wonderful story …
Thank you. Can you send you the link that was used to listen to the podcast? and how were you listening to the podcast, was it in a program, the web browser, etc
Thank you Waleuska for both the meditation and your podcast. As usual very insightful and thoughtfully presented. You are such an inspiration to many.
Absolutely right waleuska and thanks for sending this important link of podcast – the law of expectation ,really you should be a professor of eminent University, you describes very well