So much of what we think and do is controlled by our subconscious programs and we are unaware of 80% of the thoughts we have and the energy we dedicate to thinking about things in our past. In order to change, we must become aware of our thoughts and emotions. Without that awareness, change is difficult.
So, understanding that your thoughts and emotions carry a vibrational signature that gives power to the things you attract is important if you wish to create a better life. Each time you catch yourself having a negative thought and negative emotion, interrupt yourself and change the story you tell yourself.
The consistent act of interrupting your negative thoughts, beliefs, and emotions will eventually help you wire a new more positive program in your subconscious mind. By becoming conscious of your unconscious thoughts, you gain control over your life. Now you are no longer being run by a program that dictates the direction of your emotions and thus your destiny. Take control of your thoughts and change your destiny.
#FMTG #WaleuskaLazo
This is spot on true. I still get caught up in the negative thoughts but less often than before FMTG. I just try to remember the telomeres and the vibrations of more positive thoughts and emotions. So grateful for this lesson. Thank you.
Its amazing and it works, everytime a resentment or judgement of others pop up, I say, stop!!!! I dont want to engage, please leave x
Thank you, this is powerful as I embrace your teachings my world becomes a better place to be ☀️
Inspiring and thought provoking message … this is just what I needed to hear today. I am learning to be consciously aware of my thoughts and actions – living consciously in the present moment. Thank you.