Everything you are experiencing right now, good or bad, is happening for a purpose. You may not see it. It is difficult to appreciate that purpose when you are caught in the middle of a storm.
But every adversity holds the seed for a greater opportunity. Life often hides the best tools for personal growth inside our most painful experiences. It is up to us to uncover them. As Rabbi Leader says,
“It is up to us to not come out of hell empty-handed”
So, the next time you face a difficult situation, keep faith that this, as difficult as it may seem in the moment, will pass and it will yield something in return. When you are in the midst of your pain, surrender to your reality. In that moment of surrender, we show our faith.
Accept, that for whatever reason, you were chosen to undergo this experience and know that if life is putting you through it, life will also see you through it. Having this perspective will give you a level of strength that you need to overcome anything.
From the moment you encounter a difficult situation say, “This is exactly where I am supposed to be and I SURRENDER to the grace and guidance of the Universe to see me through it.”
Find gratitude that you were chosen because you are strong enough to overcome it. Know that your experience is divine and have faith.
When you practice surrendering to life, you get to a point where your faith muscle becomes stronger and you begin to trust life, to trust the divine, to trust yourself and your God-given power to face adversity with gratitude and acceptance.
If you are going through heartbreak, that is what you were meant to go through. If you are going through an illness, that is what you are supposed to be experiencing. If you have lost your job, that is what you are supposed to endure. All these things, as terrible and painful as they feel right now, are a test. Worrying, suffering, crying, and getting depressed will NOT change the outcome because this circumstance is what you are meant to experience.
What is meant for you, will find you. What is yours, never leaves.
What is real cannot be threatened. Accept it. Be grateful that those events are here to show you that you need to change your path. Life offers many doors, but for better ones to open you should not resist what life is presenting to you in the here and now.
Everything you are experiencing right now is pre-ordained and driving you towards your destiny. Painful events often prepare ordinary people for extraordinary destinies.
Perhaps what you are going through right now is your call for personal evolution. This pain you are in holds the seed of your greatest potential. Don’t waste it.
Surrender to it and say, “Bring it on. You can’t defeat me.” Always think that what is occurring had to happen, otherwise, you would not have the opportunity for self-growth. That is what surrendering is — acceptance that you cannot change the course of life and so you may as well learn to flow with it.
When you do that, you will experience a peace and resilience that you cannot possibly imagine. You will not be swimming upstream. Surrender to the natural flow of life and stop fighting things as they are.
The “should’s” and the “could’s” have no room in surrender. In a word, life “just is”.
Accepting what is happening means accepting reality. TRUST ME! There is freedom when you accept reality rather than being stubborn and arrogant enough to think you can control the fight, to make life conform to fit your ego because the ego always sees things differently and that will keep you in a state of stress and at war with life 100 percent of the time.
So instead of asking, “Why me?” ask, “Why not me” “Who could be as resilient to overcome this?”
Our suffering comes from our attachment to the belief that life should be different than it is. So, imagine the peace that comes when we finally accept what is. When you surrender and accept, you reconcile suffering.
Make peace with reality and start to live your life from a place of faith and surrender. Believe that no matter what comes your way, you can handle it and know that all things have a way of working themselves out in the end.
Get your Free Webinar: How To Stop the Scarcity Cycle and Tune To a Frequency of Abundance: https://www.waleuskalazo.com/free-webinar/
With Gratitude,
So beautiful said and so true. Came in the perfect moment to me. Thank you.
Thank you so much. I made a video as well He will be released on January 27 on my YouTube channel I think he would like it
Everything you have taught me about surrendering is here brilliantly explained.Thank you. I am looking forward to watching the video. X
Thank you so much. Please subscribe to the channel. A lot of great videos coming down the pipe
Gracias es muy gratificante saber que aún en el dolor …se puede fluir ..Waleuska te envio un abrazo de luz.
Muchas gracias. También escribo en español si quieres recibirlos en español
I’ve been going through such anxious times this past, trying to attribute it to this or that. Thank you for reminding me to accept what God is having me go through because he knows what I’m capable of & how it will help me grow into the person I am to be.
So beyond true! Appreciate your wisdom! Fighting life definitely doesn’t work. 🙏♥️
Thank you so much Julie.
Great post. When something challenging comes up I reflect what is the Universe trying to tell me ‘should I be less focused on self, is there a bigger part for me to play, do I need to work on my beliefs a little more?’. Using EAM helps me enquire what’s happening in my energy and establish what negativity needs to be removed to help me relax, actively surrender and open up to receiving what I need when I need
I really enjoyed this, you’re a very talented writer. Thank you 🙏 ❣️
Thank you. I needed to read this
I love that, well written, not much to add, except that I always, in every situation have trained myself to find the positive and if it’s not yet obvious, I know I will soon see it. I stay focused in the present moment.
Wow Beautifully Said God Bless
Beautifully written ♥️
So powerful and true. Thank you 💖🙏🏻
Thank you for sharing.
Exactly what I needed right now. Thank you 🙏
Woww! Thanks for sharing ♥️
This is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing 🙏🏼
“wow! so inspiring thanks keep it up.
I love the way you use your own words while also quoting some older Jewish scriptures. Sharing the wisdom that comes along with them. You are a wonderful writer.
This is very beautiful and true.
I surrender
Thank you for this ❤️ really need this
I absolutely love this. ❤️ Thank you for sharing. ✝️🙏
Blessed be sister I agree with every word. Namaste 🙏
Beautiful ❤❤❤thank you
Thanks for sharing! This just hit me right where it needed to. thank you!
I LOVE this so much!! Thank you for sharing! 🙏🏻💗
So true! Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for sharing. I needed to hear this.
Read it..just when i needed it the most❤❤
Surrender is my focus word this year.💯
I love the way you use your own words while also quoting some older Jewish scriptures. Sharing the wisdom that comes along with them. You are a wonderful writer.
I love this!! Thank you!!!
Thank you for the lesson,im so stressed up i cant tell!
Surrender= acceptance
These words…. Like a cool drink to a man who survived walking through the desert
Thank you. This is right on point.
Great thoughts I must say..!
This is exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you so much🙏
I have been reading it morning and night since I saw it. Thank you X
Love this piece! Thank you
Thank you so much!
A perfect message with perfect timing. Thank you.